Lasting Impressions

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“Lasting Impressions”


What happens when we paint copper water onto a mordanted botanical imprint?

Here is a fun little video project I filmed that anyone can do with new or existing imprints. Let's see how the copper water brings out details and darkens the imprint color on linen, silk & wool. Have fun! Sharon Mansfield


An Introduction to Botanical Dyeing

To celebrate the launch of my new website and my forthcoming book "Lasting Impressions" I have decided to release this free online class as an introduction to anyone who has ever had an interest in learning how to botanically dye fabric. This free class is a simple and easy way for anyone to experience the simple joy of natural botanical dyeing.

Make sure to sign up for my "Lasting Impressions" newsletter for an exclusive private link to some advanced "sneak peek" pages and upcoming pre-order information for my new book!

The first 30 people who sign up above for the newsletter will receive a free kit for this class. I will also make this simple kit available for purchase at